Greetings fellow internet dwellers! You have for one reason or another found your way to my blog, where I shall share my thoughts on interests of mine - primarily writing and music/songwriting. Through my life I have been a notorious offender at beginning things and not seeing them through - this blog may be another such thing. So if you have found your way here, and your brain waves were at the very least mildly stimulated by something I have blogged, please, I would love to hear from you!
I have been toying with the idea of a blog over the past few weeks, avidly reading the Absolute Write (AW) forums, which has been providing me some sorely-needed inspiration for my writing, which I will post about in coming days. Alas, here we are - come on consistency! I know we have not seen eye to eye over the years, but as Dylan said: "The times they are a-changin'".
So it's good night from within the den until tomorrow,
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