A teacher's ramblings on writing, music and the wider world.

Monday, 18 July 2011

Less whine, more action

Just write.

Haven't we heard that before?  It's such simple advice; advice that I struggle to follow.  The deeper I look into the fantasy world I have created for my WIP, the more I realise there are so many things I did not consider, or pushed aside, thinking they will work themselves out.  For example, there are two main factions in this nation, and their disagreements eventually explode into a cold war - but it seems I have not provided adequate thought into the real reason for the disagreements in the first place.  Was it just to propagate some primary confict?  Pfeh!  Look deeper, son! 

Unfortunately, the main aspect of the world I created that I have all but ignored, is the religion.  I suppose I have just ambled along with the assumption of a Christian-like religion, with one God, that the whole world accepts.  Pfeh again!  This very night I plan to attack the core of these issues and make some decisions!

There it is.  Whine over.  I do feel better.  Admitting the problem is the first step to resolving it, is it not? 

Stay happy, keep warm, love, and be loved,


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